Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Projects Day

I know i haven't been posting in my blog for sometime. so SORRY! Anyway, me, zhi quan, colin and thomson(203) have been recently been working on our project which belongs in cat. 5. There have been a few changes after my first post and the whole content has since changed.

Now our board game (yes it is a board game -.-") is called Mystical ( don't know why name it ). I am writing this blog to describe about my project. There are a few concepts people who plan to play this game need to understand before trying to play this game. There are 5 kinds of cards. They are the Power Card (will be explained later), Mystery Card (will be explained later), Treasure Card(a.k.a money/gold), King Card (will be explained later), and Guard Card(used to guard the king).

God Cards
Our game plot revolves around the greek mythology and about the gods like Zeus and Poseidon. King Cards are these Gods. These Gods protect the area which they live in. The Gods are Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo and Athena. Zeus is the god of lightning, Poseidon is the god of water, Apollo is the god of fire and poems and Athena is the god of strategy.

Guard Cards
Before a player gets to attack the opponents king, he/she has to penetrate the guards who will be protecting the king with their life. These guards fight each other according to the dice power( later explained) that the player gets.

Power Cards and Dice Power
Power Cards are cards that increase dice power to defeat an opponent easier. Dice power is what you get when you throw two dice and add together the sum of their power. For example, I got 8 dice power and my opponent got 9 dice power, so the opponent attacks my guard and kills it since he has more dice power. This is where Power Cards come into play if you are desperately trying to win. However, with pros comes cons. Although Power Cards can help you to increase the Dice Power, you need to use Treasure Cards(explained later) which you get after killing each guard or enemy.

Mystery Cards
These cards provide you with either super powers or self-inflicting items. They can help you get rid of the king immediately or can instead kill yourself! In order to use these cards, you will need to roll your dice and depends on how much dice power that you have then you can use the Mystery Card. For example, if you have 8 Dice Power, and the Mystery Card requires 5 Dice power and another Mystery Card requires 3 Dice power, then you can use both of them as long as they add up to your Dice Power or is lesser. *Take Note: you cannot use your power card first to add Dice Power then use the Mystery Card.

Treasure Cards
These cards are basically gold or money which you use to buy Power Cards as earlier explained. Using these Treasure Cards, you can also buy the ultimate attack for your King to attack so that you got a higher chance of winning!

How it is played
You will start with 10 power cards and 10 treasure cards. Obviously the power cards will be not as good that can be bought. 4 players must be playing this game, no more no less. Each person throws the dice to see who gets to start first. Each player shuffles his cards ( yet to be clarified where did the deck come from). Each used card is placed in your graveyard. Each turn you can only attack one time, buy one card or use a power card or mystery card. The power of the Mystery Card is used before you throw the dice.

Well that's all for now about my project. I will post more about my project next time if we make it to the semi-finals ^^. Cross Fingers. Bye-bye!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

movie review

During the holidays, I went to the cinema to watch a moive "Alice in Wonderland". This movie is about a Alice grown up who is going to get married to her boyfriend but she didn't even know she was going to get married to him. When he proposed to Alice, she wasn't sure of accepting or declining. She saw a rabbit with a watch ticking and she decided to follow it by giving an excuse of needing to think about the wedding. Alice follows the rabbit to a tree with a big hole. Alice accidentally falls into the hole and lands up in a room with a table with a key and a bottle which is labeled "drink me". She drinks the liquid inside the bottle and shrinks. She forgot to take the key and becomes to small to reach up onto the table. She sees an item which is labeled "eat me" on the floor. She eats too much of it and grows until the reaches the ceiling. Having the key she shrinks herself down again by drinking the rest of the liquid and she uses the key to enter a small door. Inside there are creatures not normal to see in the human world. She is believed by the creatures to slay the Red Queen's guardian, the Jabberwocky, on the Frabjous Day using the Vorpal sword.

Along the way she encounters the mad hatter, the mouse, the blue caterpiller, the flying grinning cat, the rabbit and two fat boys. They want Alice to kill the Jabberwocky. The hatter gets captured by the Red Queen. Instead of going to the White Queen, Alice goes to the Red Queen's palace to save the hatter where she is known as 'umm'. Alice learns that the Vorpal sword is inside a small house with the creature which once attacked Alice. She returns him his eye ball which got plucked out by the mouse and he gives her the key to unlock the chest to the Vorpal sword. The creature brings her to the White Queen's palace where everyone is reunited. Soon, everyone prepares for battle. Alice has to fight the Jabberwocky which is a huge flying beast who breathes fire. Alice brings it to the top of a circular staircase where she beheads the Jabberwocky and everyone looks at her in awe. The White Queen sends the Red Queen and her aqquintance to the outlands forever.

Alice climbs out of the hole and returns to the wedding where she decided not to get married as she is still young and is not ready. Having been through this adventure has made her more independent and can think on her own without the help of others choosing for her.

I would recommended this movie to others as it is not like the previous movie where Alice is a young girl but now is a grown-up who slays a beast.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

these are two screenshots of my primary school friend's opinion on prejudice and discrimination.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Multiple Intelligence test

I find that the multiple intelligence test is a good way for one to find out which way he/her studies best in without struggling too much. Should one follow his/her way of studying, he/her will find it faster to learn things or to memorise them. Lastly, with his/her prefered choice of studying, he/her will enjoy learning instead of thinking it's a labour or a chore to study.